WA Real Podcast

The WA Real podcast is hosted by Bryn Edwards. Anthony James was his guest on episode 191, also screened on YouTube, which he titled: Regeneration: Coming Home (based on a story with Archie Roach, that culminates at the end here in a pretty special way). This came at a particularly sensitive time for Anthony too, soon after his father died. The blurb reads:

‘This conversation was the meeting of two ‘meta-nodes’ discussing much from across the range of people that we have both talked to on our respective podcasts. The topic of systems came up - those that are serving and those that are not serving us. Anthony spoke about how development involves a period of unravelling and the gentle stripping of old frameworks to reveal dissolutions as well as the need to be solid in the wilderness within. He also shared a beautiful story from Archie Roach about the elders that are sitting around the campfire waiting for us to come home – a theme that has significant meaning throughout this conversation. This was a fantastically delicate but powerful and strong conversation with a lot of humour - particularly listen out for Anthony talking about lasting change.’

Just click on the image above to play.

Anthony James